Our Roots

We are a small farm who strives to provide the very best for our family and the community, using a holistic and natural approach.
Can soap really have a story?
Well my soap does..
Every bar of our soap is made with not only love and passion.. but a story! Let’s start from the beginning.. I always dreamed of living on farm..
I love nature the outdoors and animals.. the idea of living off the land intrigued me.
Fast forward I met my now husband in 2012.. we both share similar passions and stumble on our now homestead; really it was a fluke we even found it. We purchased our farm in late 2014 and move in January 2015!
Now just a couple years prior it was confirmed I had Lymes disease. I used our homestead to manage my symptoms with food we had grown and harvested.. the outdoor air,and healthy cooking!
We had so many animals over the years and I mean ALOT.. we definitely went big.. we had goats of course; chickens, guineas , runner ducks, khakis, muscovies.. more ducks.. turkeys, peacocks, dexter cattle…
We had big dreams and aspirations. But both working full time and owning a homestead is hard work.. we quickly adapted and over the years started to fall into a rhythm..
We also grow and preserve what we can.. we started an orchard, grow a big garden, and forage.
Still learning and growing.. I made soap for gifts and my family.. that was all that was supposed to be.. however.. everyone LOVED it; that was back in 2017.. in 2018 I decided to run with..
I absorbed as much information I possibly could about all things soap! If anyone knows me or my husband we LOVE to know the in and outs of everything we do; we research ALOT!
I wanted it to be clean ingredients, nothing artificial, grown on the farm if I could or locally sourced; and that’s just what I did!! I am so grateful to merge the things we put our blood,sweat, and tears in from our homestead and create a product you can all use!
Then came our kids.. I didn’t think it was possible but we adapted and changed and grew once again..
We like to be good at a lot of things.. but when it comes to our farm and my business we want to do our very best and really master it! We would rather be really knowledgeable and well versed in a handful of things and bring you a really high quality product.. rather than do alot of things and do it just ok.
My passion came from my love for the outdoors; my family and our health which now I am so grateful I can share with all of you!
I hope you continue to follow along with us as our family learns, grows, and adapts on our homestead!❤️
~ the Gahagan’s